Coach Nick competing in WODstock Copenhagen | Crossfit GYM

Coach Nick competing in WODstock Copenhagen

Crossfit programming 26th Spetember-0ctober 1st
September 25, 2016
Crossfit programming 2nd-9th October
October 2, 2016

Coach Nick competing in WODstock Copenhagen

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Nick Apps, RX Individual Mens Division -WODstock Copenhagen – 24th September 2016
On the Saturday morning, Nick arrived at WODstcok Copenhagen to prepare for his first ever competition, representing Crossfit Stags and Does. He was also one of only a few athletes from the UK.
Nick was one of 40 athletes who qualified for the CRX Individual Mens division. He was joined by his small support team – Luke Taber, Charlotte Ruff, Oliver Beeney, Mike Powell and Heather Blair (aka Team Nick). Nick would be in the 1st heat for every WOD as it was in alphabetical order.
First WOD at 9:45am was a 400m run (for time) round the sports track at SpartaHallen, Copenhagen. Nick ran really well and was placed 17th overall in the Race.
At 12:05pm, Nick competed in WOD 2 which was named “To The Rig and Back”. This consisted of:
20 Box jump overs @30”
20 Cal bike
20 S2OH @ 60kg.
20 back squats from floor @ 60kg
20 TTB
20 back squats from floor
20 S2OH
20 Cal bike
20 box jump overs
Score = time
Time cap individuals = 13 mins
Nick came 15th in This WOD with a time of 12:50. A brilliant score and PB for him, very tough workout, which was highly competitive throughout. 
Luckily, Nick had a couple of hours to recuperate, have some decent food and get ready for his 3rd and final WOD. This consisted of two 5 minute workouts.
0-5 minutes to complete “Isabel”  – 30 snatches (from the ground) @ 60kg. Nick completed Isabel with ease, completing it in 3:30.  
Then straight into:
5-10minute was to build up to a 1 rep max Clean. After warming up, Nick hit a 105kg clean well, with a minute left. He pushed himself to attempt at 110kg clean, with 10 seconds to go on the time cap, however did not manage the full rep.
Unfortunately, Nick did not make the final, which consisted of 9 people. However he was placed 17th in the entire RX Individual Men’s, which is an incredible achievement for not only his first competition (not to mention being an international competition!), but also Nick was the 3rd youngest athlete to compete at WODstock Copenhagen this year. Nick managed to meet many athletes including the famous regional athlete Philip Thun Bisgaard (Trykkert, Crossfit Copenhagen) who went on to win the RX division.
After the competition, we (Team Nick) appreciated the beautiful city of Copenhagen. Saturday night was spent having a few drinks celebrating Nicks achievements and exploring some of the nightlife of the city. Sunday was spent walking around Copenhagen (Nick decided on this activity!) to enjoy some of the Danish sunshine and explore the different sights.
We’re all incredibly proud here at Crossfit Stags and Does (especially Team Nick) for Nick’s huge efforts and competing so well at WODstock Copenhagen! Until next time…

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